Steam Deck

BIG Stable Steam Deck Update

Oh boy, do we have some big steam deck news today! The major new stable steam deck client update that’s just been released. To get this update, all you have to do is head to your system settings and check for updates. It might take a couple of tries, but once it’s downloaded, you’ll need to reboot and voila! You’re all set to enjoy all the latest beta updates in one convenient package.

One of the best updates, in my opinion, is the change to the launch options user interface for games. If you have multiple ways to launch a game, you can now make a choice and stick with it, with the option to change it back at any time. It’s a small change, but it makes a big difference. And for those of you with huge steam libraries, there have been some optimizations to make the experience smoother and less sluggish. No more waiting around for steam to decide what game you want to play next!

Another great feature is the addition of pinned notifications in the quick access notifications menu. You won’t miss any important messages, trade offers, or offline chats ever again! And for those of you who love to dock your steam deck up to a TV, there have been some user interface improvements for higher resolutions and the on-screen keyboard now has the option to move and even has up and down arrow keys. It’s the little things that make the biggest impact!

And last but not least, there are loads of steam input changes, including the ability to preview configurations before applying them, support for new controllers like the Armorax Pro Gamepad and the Thrustmaster e-swap Pro controller, and improved layout previews for controllers like the Nintendo Switch Joy-Cons. Plus, they’ve fixed various bugs in desktop mode, the steam library, and the new Big Picture Mode, which is now the default for desktop. It may not be any major new features, but it’s the small things that add up to make the experience better or worse, and valve is focusing on every detail to make it the best it can be.

Now, on to the other major piece of news. Ubisoft has updated Ubisoft connect, and as a result, any games that use it will no longer run. This includes popular titles like Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, Watchdogs Legion, and The Division 2. But don’t worry, the proton developers are looking into the issue and have already updated the bleeding edge beta of proton experimentals, which should solve the problem. Just be careful, as the bleeding edge beta hasn’t had much testing yet and could come with other problems. It might be better to wait for a normal proton update, but at least you now have a solution if you want to play those Ubisoft games again.


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